Almost at once he felt his heart beat race
How could a simple glimpse make such a difference
Just like a quick capture of beauty by the 'camy' lens;
If angels walked the earth, he had seen one
If beauty took the form of a human, he had met one
Utterly and joyously bedazzled, he carried on.
Days went on, time and tide carried him along
But hardly a day passed that he wouldn’t think of her
He hardly had a day when he wouldn’t sing a song
Now each song found company as he thought of her
“These are trying days” somebody told him
“Be practical” another whispered in his ears
And he felt the lights beginning to dim
But only to be lighted up by her smiling face;
'Tis the story of a swain who had no clue
His life was gonna change when he met a girl he never knew.
Around her he is his crazy self
As though he has rediscovered himself
She’s as gentle as the moon
And yes she tries to see the moon –
Closer; and up a ladder she
Innocence and charm are wrapped around her
Beauty and benevolence go with her
This is sweetness in its 'bestest' form.
Yes, she may be well out of his league
And barely anything worthwhile from him for her to pick
But every future he pictures, he sees with her
Any trade life may bring, he wants to work with her
Every song he sings, he wants to sing with her
A ranch with beautiful horses (but not as beautiful as her)
To ride off into the sunset with her (so the song goes)
And he dreams on...